Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snowed in ... in March :(

This morning, I got up and worked on my second sewing project... a pink dress with black polka dots for Little Miss (she picked out the pattern and material. I'm not a big fan of either but I wanted her to be involved.)

I got as far as sewing the body together and then I put it aside.

Currently, daddy is outside shoveling the driveway while our very kind neighbor is snow blowing near the street. We have the nicest neighbors. We really do.

While I blog and daddy shovels, the kids are playing in the cold white stuff. I took pictures from inside. Brrrr....
Pouting about being cold after only being out for 5 minutes....

... says his snow bed is "actually quite comfotable."

I also did some sketching this morning. I'm really going to try to practice my illustrations daily in hopes of getting better for the book.

As for the rest of the day? We're hoping that Aunt CC can get her car unstuck so she can babysit and sleep over so Hubs and I can go out to dinner with friends and family. We had reservations for last night, but due to the snowstorm, they got moved to tonight. Otherwise, it's another night of being snowed in.

Isn't March the season for kite flying???? What's with all the snow anyway???? I'm sooooo done!

One more thing, please notice my newest links to the right....

One is a blog I encouraged my friend to start. The other is a site I LOVE and check every morning called COOL MOM PICKS. If you're a parent or even have a friend with a kid, this site daily posts cool items for kids. The reason I check it daily??? They have a giveaway almost every day, where you can enter to win fabulous goodies for your little ones. Check them out!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Well, with no power since Tuesday night, I was unable to blog daily. I think that's a redeemable excuse.

Too bad I didn't just take a few minutes to grab my camera to get a few shots of the kids helping papa shovel the driveway. That really was sooooo cute! Especially to gramma and I who were nice and toasty in the house.

I would have taken a pic yesterday but Little Miss is miserable with a sore throat and ear ache. Who wants their picture taken when they feel like that.

Just looked out the window and there is so much snow, I can't even see the lake or 10 feet down the street. I should probably take a pic of that but brrrr, it's cold and it's so much warmer here in bed :)

By the way, this is an old picture I took earlier this winter out my front door on a day I thought was bad. HA! This was a tropical paradise compared to todays storm

(ok, maybe I exaggerate a little.)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How much would you pay for this barette?

Adorable right? But at 6 dollars? For a metal barrette with some felt hotglued to it? I'm telling you girls.. we are in the wrong business! Oh... wait, I'm not in any financially profitable business right now but that's about to change. Apparently, rich parents are willing to pay top dollar for unique handmade looking items that they don't actually have the time or desire to make with their own hands.

I have been perusing several online childrens boutiques lately. $68 dollars for a basic cotton t-shirt with a few scribbles from someone who dubs themself a designer? $75 for a small down throw pillow covered in felt with a small felt character sewed on it?

I'm not posting pictures because I don't want to give the wrong idea here. The items I describe are beyond adorable but they are so simple. I think I'm actually jealous that these moms have come up with such simple creations and are making money doing it. The wheels in my head are going round and round, full of ideas I can create and sell you at 360% profit.

I may even be nice and give you a discount.

Kids aprons anyone????

Monday, March 3, 2008

Lifes a Beach!

It was so beautiful outside today, you know we just had to hit the beach in search of the rare heart shaped rocks.....

Heart Shaped Rock Explorers walking on water.
These are professionals. Don't try this at home!**

This particular explorer finds it neccessary to push the limits and see how far out he can go before mom the photographer brings him back in.

So many rocks.....
But alas, we discover a mom and baby heart-shaped rock!
And the Daddy....

Time out for a little driftwood surfing....

Waiting for the wind to carry them away....
Crazy adorable...
Group shot?
Let's try that again....

The end.

**To the grandmas of the explorers, the author and photographer assures you that the explorers were never in any danger. They were on the ice covered sand the entire time.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

In between places....

In about an hour, the kids will be leaving us for the evening to go to a family party with gramma and papa sooo, I thought I better take the daily pictures for the daily blog.

Just a few minutes ago, The J was playing a game that daddio rented for him last night. No matter what game he plays, he jumps up and down the entire time. Check out how sweaty he is in the next pic....

Isn't the sweatshirt awesome? Thanks to gramma for this find. Get it? My mom rocks? And the stick stick figure mom is playing the guitar, just like ME !

I thought The J would be embarrassed to wear this to school but he loves it. I'm so glad he's not quite at the age where having a mom is embarassing. Oh how I dread the day.

I also love how it totally matches his eyes. We just sent him to take a little rest before the festivities tonight. Speaking of rest.......

Little Miss is sleeping in my bed. Don'tcha just love my fancy textiles? They're so matchy. Ha. I think our room will be the last to get decorated. I need more patience (and money).

And finally, it's yours truly, mommy photographer extraordinaire. I need a nap and a shower. I'm afraid I only have time for one. Notice I made the pic of me tiny. That was not an accident. My eye has been red and irritated since Tuesday, hence the 4 eyes.

No picture of hubs today. He is currently working in the garage, trying to make sense of all that has accumulated there over the winter throughout our house projects. I'm too chicken to post a pic of the mess. I might feel the need to apologize so I would rather just not.

His boo boo on his face is getting better though. Just in time for tomorrows friendly game. Oh goody.

And that's all. I'm off to de-grodify!