Friday, February 29, 2008

Ta Daaaaaaaa!!!!!

Here they are!!! My first completed sewing project. If you guessed "APRONS" on my "What Shall It Be?" post, YOU WERE CORRECT.

I actually finished these two days ago but wasn't able to take a picture until today. Thankyou to Mr O and Little Miss for modeling them.

In Friday, leapday, news.... We had Mr O over for a playdate today. He and Little Miss played together so nicely. They played Hulabaloo, Connect 4 and Operation. Little Miss wanted to play Toy Story Yahtzee but in Mr O's words "I wanna pway itzee by mysewf".

I also had to pick up The J from school because he was complaining of a sore ear. I ran him out to the pediatrician. Sure enough, he has an ear infection.

I got the entire house cleaned and organized today which is a HUGE accomplishment for me. I'm finally sitting here on the couch in front of Sponge Bob with The J and Little Miss.

My next sewing project is already well under way. I don't feel like working on it tonight though. I think it's going to be a veg out movie night. Looks like hubby extraordinaire rented: The Bourne Ultimatum ( I know I know but we literally never get time to just veg out in front of the tv anymore) and Balls of Fury.

With that being said, time to turn off the computer.

Yesterdays Post....

I had to document what it looks like to have a 3 year old hanging from ones ear. Isn't that darling? Ahhhh. If only I didn't get so clausterphobic when I don't have my personal space. Some might say "oh, this won't last forever and someday you'll miss her wanting to grab your ear and twist it in ways that it isn't meant to twist."

Well.... guess what... I don't miss the days when she comforted herself by trying to stick her entire hand in my mouth and gouging out my inner gums with her little sharp finger nails. No... I don't miss that at all.

Still, I might forget this someday and so now here it is in picture, for me to remember forever.

PS... my Thursdays are crazy busy so this will have to count as yesterdays post. Also ... I couldn't find my camera. I love PMS. It does such nice things to me.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Snow day and sick day all in one

The J wanted me to put this picture of him on my blog and title it "George Washington".

For some odd reason, school was cancelled today. I didn't even think to look at the news because there was school yesterday and in my opinion, it was much colder and snowier.

We headed out to Little Miss' gymnastics class but found it too was cancelled. I was going to take the kids clothes shopping instead but THE J suddenly got a very bad stomach ache and so we went home.

Right now they are settling down for naps (in other words, they are coming out here as I type with 101 reasons why they shouldn't be napping) and I'm going to keep working on the sewing project I started yesterday.

Goody Night: Rolo Turtles

The kids made these last night. You can find the recipe by clicking here. The finished product has a toasted pecan squashed down in the center of the Rolo. I never got to hear the "oohs and ahhs" because right before we were about to head out, Little Miss and The J were being wild and crrrrazy and had a head-on collision. Little Miss cut her gums above her top 2 teeth.

To make matters worse, she was overly tired because she missed her nap (we had a fun playdate instead). There was nothing we could do to calm her. We decided right as we were supposed to walk out the door, that she wasn't about to stop crying and one of us would have to stay home with her (guess who). I put her in her jammies and laid down with her. She cried and whined for an hour and a half, almost consistently.

And hubby wonders why I was a just a teensy bit crabby when he got home???? Hmmmmmm.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Future M.D.'s????

All I'm saying is that there is a whole lotta buzzin' going on! :|

what shall it be??

I'm gonna start on it today? Any guesses?

Guess who

Guess who was playing a "friendly" game of basketball with the guys on Sunday?

Whyyyyyy is my husband the only one who gets a major wound during these games?


Monday, February 25, 2008

Hula Girl

Little Miss was not as excited about her Hawaiian costume as I thought she would be. I couldn't even get her to smile for a picture in it. We found a compromise by removing the coconut bra from the ensemble and everyone was happy.

About the blog and the blog author

Yah... that would be me and my blog.

Well, in a nutshell, I created this blog in an attempt to document a little something about the daily going-ons of my little darlings.

My goal is to post something every day, but let's get past day one first and then we'll see...

I can't think of anything else. I'm sure it has something to do with the 3 year old hanging from my ear.